Helping major trauma patients return to work

Published: 17 November 2020

At least 20,000 people suffer trauma in England each year. 

Thanks to medical advances, more and more people are surviving. But once someone has left hospital, they need support to reintegrate into the community, including with return to work.

Going back to work is one of the main goals for many trauma patients. On top of income, work offers social contact, a sense of status and identity, and purpose. It can be critical to mental wellbeing.

Despite this, only half of the individuals suffering trauma return to work quickly. Nearly one in five do not return to work at all.

This booklet, produced by Social Finance and The Black Stork Charity, outlines our proposed model for vocational rehabilitation: to embed employment advisers into acute or major trauma rehabilitation settings.

You can also read the full report (below) for in depth analysis.

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